Saturday, December 21, 2019

Reishi Gano (RG) & Ganocelium (GL)

Health Benefits of Reishi Gano (RG) & Ganocelium (GL).
  • Removes Toxins from the entire Body: Prevents Chronic diseases (eg. Diabetes, BP)
  • Prevents ‘Blocks & Clots’ in the Blood vessels: Prevents Heart Attacks & Stroke.
  • Controls Cholesterol: Reduces ‘Obesity’: Prevents ‘Heart Problems’.
  • Saves & supports ‘Terminal’ patients: eg. Cancer, Kidney, HIV, Coma
  • Improves Blood circulation all over the body: Reduces ‘Body Pains’ : Improves Energy.
  • Excellent ‘Anti-Oxidant’: Maintains Vigour: Delays Ageing. Helps in Cancer
  • Reduces problems of Gynaec & Obs.; Menstrual / Menopausal problems.
  • Enhances Hair-growth: Avoids early ‘Balding & Greying’.
  • Improves Fertility for Men as well as Women.
  • Stress Reduction (Mental Health): Calms the Mind and makes it Peaceful.
  • Enables Good Quality Sleep: Opens a Bright and Energetic morning, the next day.
How to consume DXN Ganoderma Lucidum correctly.

Consumption of Ganoderma lucidum extract DXN.

Consumption of Ganoderma lucidum extract cool. 100% Herbal others. The ideal time is Time on an empty stomach The absorption of Ganoderma lucidum well. Ganoderma is not irritating to the stomach. It can be eaten before meals unless the Reishi is mixed with other herbs. The stomach irritation To be eaten after meals

The best time to eat Ganoderma lucidum. Is to wake up in the morning Since it is a time when the stomach is empty. The body workout Or movement Body to pump blood better. In just one moment that people eat Ganoderma lucidum. The moments before sleep Which should be reviewed Lingzhi one hour before going to sleep, not eat Ganoderma and go to bed yet. The reason is that the body has had time to pump through our body of Ganoderma lucidum. Before the body Because while we sleep. Heart to pump blood as well as by the time we got there.

In a review of Ganoderma lucidum.

Ganoderma lucidum is a medicinal herb that nourishes the liver, heart and kidneys, as well as immunity to the body. The elixir is And it is used as medicine. No residue No side effects The safety of long-term review. Meanwhile, eat Depending on the physical conditions and objectives.

I recommend taking the following

DXN Ganoderma RG and GL have been divided equally.
  1. Body review 4 Capsules (2 doubles), 2 times daily.
  2. Prophylactic range of 6 capsules (3 double), 3 times daily.
  3. Clinics take up to 10 capsules (5 double), 3 times daily.
  4. Treatment of serious resistance to 10 capsules (5 pairs) 4 times per day.
Note: You must eat to get the amount stated. It will not work 100%.

More suggestions
  1. Consume Ganoderma at least 30 minutes before meals or one hour, but for people with gastritis. After 2 hours instead of eating food should be eaten on an empty stomach. The efficiency of absorption    
  2. Once started, the first of Lingzhi. Detoxifying the body is through the blood stream. Than normal may cause dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, and rash. Whatever the cause It does not have to worry It is a symptom that Keeping on the right track Eat Here Now These symptoms will disappear.    
  3. Intake of vitamin C along with The active substance in the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum. Some of you may have a complex structure is difficult to digest. Should take vitamin C.Or foods high in vitamin C as well. To aid in the absorption of those nutrients. To enter the body more easily.
Would You Like to Learn More About a Business Opportunity that Has The Potential to Replace Your Current Working Income Without Quitting Your Job?

You really ought to try it, either full-time or over weekends. We have a great business opportunity. You can run it from home full time or part time, or any combination.

Top 13 Health Benefits of DXN Spirulina

1. Lower the cholesterol.

Less than 5 % of the algae is fat, therefore the algae doesn't make you fat. The lipids that contain are fundamentally polyunsaturated fatty. 

These acids promote the permeability of the cell membranes, carry the cholesterol by preventing the formation of plates of atheroma and stimulates the formation of lymphocytes.

2. Neutralize the effects of pollution.

Thanks to the alginic acid that they contain, able to fight the toxins, facilitating the removal of the pollutants, vegetable radioactive and toxic.

3. Rich In Vitamin B12
So the vegetarians, people with leukemia anaemic, and who have suffered or are suffering from cancer should take them to avoid shortcomings and in addition to providing a pure protein, no toxins.

Spirulina for example is more rich in proteins that meat, eggs, soy, or fish. These proteins are valuable, as they contain a large number of essential amino acids, which is to say, those that our body cannot synthesize but must assimilate through the food. These amino acids are easy to digest because of the composition of the algae rich in minerals and enzymes.

4. Help control hypertension
They are rich in minerals, which also are balanced. That is why they are regulating the cardiovascular system.

5. It is ideal for people who suffer from diabetes
Some algae are sweet; this is due to the fact that they contain two sugars: the mannitol and fruitful, but its glycemic index is low, so it will not increase the level of sugar in the blood.

6. Clean the intestine
They are rich in alginic acid, which absorbs toxins in the wall of the colon and allows its elimination in natural form.

7. Helps the respiratory system.
The Mucilages helps to relieve colds and flu softening the secretions and therefore fighting against the cough.

8. Will cover the daily requirement of iron
Spirulina, in particular, contains more iron than any other vegetable: 6 times more than the vegetables and complete and 10 times more than the spinach.

9. Decrease anxiety
The Algae are rich in b vitamins, especially in b6 essential for the nerves. The sweet seaweed is very rich in potassium and magnesium that are relaxing effect.

10. Great for the eyes
The majority of the algae they have a high content of vitamin a. The Nori as much as the carrots and spirulina up to 15 times more. So you help to prevent and relieve vision problems.

11. Keep your skin young
Some algae contain more vitamin e that the wheat germ, which explains its antioxidant power. Others are rich in zinc, which is why they are effective against acne and excess sebum.

12. Maintain healthy bones
Thanks to its high calcium content. Spirulina is especially rich in this mineral.

13. Protect the skin from Ultraviolet rays of the sun
For its high content of carotenes or beta carotene, which promote the production of melanin and maintain healthy skin.

Friday, December 20, 2019


🤝 CONGRATULATIONS ! to a newly #VIRAL_TEAM Builder 👥

Code 🆔 065768046 🇵🇭
Date 🗓 2019-20-09
Sponsor: Joan Dacoro

🇵🇭 Rose Ann Faurillo
🇵🇭 Crisanto Condino
🇪🇸 Mark Tacorda

Thousands of people are looking for the real opportunity of making mo'ney on the INTERNET.

To make mo'ney on the Internet you only need three things:
  1. A marketable & Superior/Health product or service.
  2. A marketing website.
  3. Stable customer base.
If any of the above conditions is missing, the online mo'ney making will not work.

I have got good news, I can provide you all of the three conditions.
  1. A Most of the adult population consumes coffee, or to be more specific they are addicted to coffee. I have an alternative, a coffee which has beneficial effect, and there is a great need of it.
  2. In cooperation with great professionals a really Sales Mark'eting System has been created, which you can also experience, because you can not wait to read these lines and fill out the registration form inside the page. Furthermore, the Sales Marketing System it can be yours also worth P20,000 for FREE.
  3. As People will give up the consumption of excise goods lastly. Your costumers soon will not be addicted to coffee, but in DXN Ganoderma Coffee. Do you know a more stable busi'ness?
We are well aware that online networking has a lot of artifices. Your success is our interest, so can be sure that we teach you everything - for free - you need to be successful.

Congratulations for your choice! By clicking HERE you can make (administer) your first step to your success.


🤝 CONGRATULATIONS ! to a newly #VIRAL_TEAM Builder 👥

Code 🆔 065768047 🇵🇭
Date 🗓 2019-20-09
Sponsor: Noeta Asisten

🇵🇭 Rose Ann Faurillo
🇵🇭 Crisanto Condino
🇪🇸 Mark Tacorda

Thousands of people are looking for the real opportunity of making mo'ney on the INTERNET.

To make mo'ney on the Internet you only need three things:
  1. A marketable & Superior/Health product or service.
  2. A marketing website.
  3. Stable customer base.
If any of the above conditions is missing, the online mo'ney making will not work.

I have got good news, I can provide you all of the three conditions.
  1. A Most of the adult population consumes coffee, or to be more specific they are addicted to coffee. I have an alternative, a coffee which has beneficial effect, and there is a great need of it.
  2. In cooperation with great professionals a really Sales Mark'eting System has been created, which you can also experience, because you can not wait to read these lines and fill out the registration form inside the page. Furthermore, the Sales Marketing System it can be yours also worth P20,000 for FREE.
  3. As People will give up the consumption of excise goods lastly. Your costumers soon will not be addicted to coffee, but in DXN Ganoderma Coffee. Do you know a more stable busi'ness?
We are well aware that online networking has a lot of artifices. Your success is our interest, so can be sure that we teach you everything - for free - you need to be successful.

Congratulations for your choice! By clicking HERE you can make (administer) your first step to your success.

Tricycle Driver Noon, Milyonaryo Na Ngayon!

Thousands of people are looking for the real opportunity of making mo'ney on the INTERNET.

To make mo'ney on the Internet you only need three things:
  1. A marketable & Superior/Health product or service.
  2. A marketing website.
  3. Stable customer base.
If any of the above conditions is missing, the online mo'ney making will not work.

I have got good news, I can provide you all of the three conditions.
  1. A Most of the adult population consumes coffee, or to be more specific they are addicted to coffee. I have an alternative, a coffee which has beneficial effect, and there is a great need of it.
  2. In cooperation with great professionals a really Sales Mark'eting System has been created, which you can also experience, because you can not wait to read these lines and fill out the registration form inside the page. Furthermore, the Sales Marketing System it can be yours also worth P20,000 for FREE.
  3. As People will give up the consumption of excise goods lastly. Your costumers soon will not be addicted to coffee, but in DXN Ganoderma Coffee. Do you know a more stable busi'ness?
We are well aware that online networking has a lot of artifices. Your success is our interest, so can be sure that we teach you everything - for free - you need to be successful.

Congratulations for your choice! By clicking HERE you can make (administer) your first step to your success.

How To Achieve Passive Income in DXN Direct Selling Business

Thousands of people are looking for the real opportunity of making mo'ney on the INTERNET.

To make mo'ney on the Internet you only need three things:
  1. A marketable & Superior/Health product or service.
  2. A marketing website.
  3. Stable customer base.
If any of the above conditions is missing, the online mo'ney making will not work.

I have got good news, I can provide you all of the three conditions.
  1. A Most of the adult population consumes coffee, or to be more specific they are addicted to coffee. I have an alternative, a coffee which has beneficial effect, and there is a great need of it.
  2. In cooperation with great professionals a really Sales Mark'eting System has been created, which you can also experience, because you can not wait to read these lines and fill out the registration form inside the page. Furthermore, the Sales Marketing System it can be yours also worth P20,000 for FREE.
  3. As People will give up the consumption of excise goods lastly. Your costumers soon will not be addicted to coffee, but in DXN Ganoderma Coffee. Do you know a more stable busi'ness?
We are well aware that online networking has a lot of artifices. Your success is our interest, so can be sure that we teach you everything - for free - you need to be successful.

Congratulations for your choice! By clicking HERE you can make (administer) your first step to your success.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Congrats! Lorna Cortezano


Code 🆔 820168514
Date 🗓 2019-16-09
Sponsor: Aries Besa

Joan Coruno
Rose Ann Faurillo
Crisanto Condino
Mark Tacorda

Congrats! Imelda Bautista


Code 🆔 820170541 🇸🇦
Date 🗓 2019-17-09

🇪🇸 Lina Acas
🇪🇸 Merlie De Leon
🇪🇸 Mark Tacorda

Monday, December 16, 2019

Lingzhi Tea Latte

Good morning DXN! today is a perfect time to drink DXN Tea Latte is a premixed of premium tea powder with non dairy creamer and Ganoderma lucidum extract , enjoy it !

The “Superfood”

What is Spirulina? 

Spirulina is a blue-green algae, which gets its name from its spiral shape. It contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrients known in any food, plant, grain or herb.

What does Spirulina contain?

It is the highest protein containing food over 60% all digestible vegetable protein. Spirulina is located with unique phytonutrients like phycocynanin, polysaccharides and sulfolipids, that enhance the immune system, reducing with good chance risks of infections, cancer and auto immune diseases. Rich in natural carotenoids, antioxidants, that promote cellular health and may reduce the risk of cancer. It contains chlorophyll, with helps in detoxifying continuously present polluting agents. It also contains iron, trace minerals and the rare essential fatty acid.

With the usual three square meals a day, plus the snacks that sometimes go in between, our bodily system is revved up for a whole day of hard work – either in the house, in the office, or at school. The same intake becomes our first line of defense against lifestyle stress, pollution, radiation, or toxic chemicals.

In today’s pie graph of food choices, processed foods take a big chunk. Often the “no-choice” option of the busy people, these processed foods only fill the tummy but are nutritionally empty. Bring in the hard work again and you have a system that is left vulnerable to poor health and low energy. That’s bad news.

On the good side of the news: We can protect our bodies with a plant that, no matter how small, stores powerful, concentrated nutrients. How powerful?

This tiny plant has loads of these essential nutrients:

1. Beta carotene – ten times more than that of carrots.

2. Protein – safe, vegetable protein (It’s a plant, remember?); fat and cholesterol – free unlike meat.

3. Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) – a good source of GLA for breastfeeding mothers for developing healthy babies.

4. Iron – builds a stronger immune system with natural iron that’s easier to absorb than iron supplements.

This burst of nutrients is easy-to-digest and is absorbed quickly.

With these credentials, this plant, not surprisingly, was named superfood in the 1990s. This recognition came after soooooooo many years – 3.5 billion years, in fact. Why, that’s how long this plant has evolved! And that span of evolution made it nature’s longest living food.

Needless to say, spirulina’s billion-year existence is proof that this toughie survived even the worst environmental conditions that left other animal and plant species, well, extinct. And this amazing alga’s resilience, seemingly, has a noble purpose – to answer for health dilemmas of the modern people.

Spirulina and Anemia

Iron deficiency, the most common nutrient deficiency worldwide, results in condition known as Iron Anemia, prevalent among women, children, older people, or women on weight loss diets. While iron builds healthy red blood cells and strong immune system, over the counter iron supplements are most commonly not well absorbed by the human body.

But spirulina’s iron content was proven effective in a 30-day study involving eight young women with hypochronic anemia (blood hemoglobin content is lower than normal). With four grams of spirulina after each meal, the subjects blood hemoglobin content increased by 21% – from 10.9 to 13.2 – a satisfactory level not anymore considered anemic.

Spirulina and Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels, which we get from the food we eat, lead to high risks of strokes and heart attacks. Dietary improvements thus, are common slogans of campaigns promoting fat-reducing practices in meal preparation.

In Japan, thirty male employees diagnosed with high cholesterol, mild hypertension, and hyperlipidemia (abnormally high concentration of fats in the blood) were subjects of a study. These subjects were asked not to change their diet, except adding spirulina. After four weeks, total serum cholesterol dropped from 244 to 233 (4.5%).

Spirulina and Cancer

Several health books agree that foods and herbs that contain high levels of chlorophyll, a pigment that spirulina is rich in, show pharmacological evidence of cancer prevention. An explanation made by “One Earth Herbal Sourcebook” author Allan Keith Tillotston suggests that pigments in such foods “bind and thus stimulate excretion of cancer-causing chemicals.” When this happens, naturally occurring cancer cells (yes, they are just there) will be stopped from developing into symptomatic cancer.

For example, laboratory animals used in an Oregon State University were exposed to cancer-causing substance. Results of the study had it that those that were given chlorophyll supplement before the exposure developed far fewer tumors than those that were not given the supplement.

Having read all of these good things about spirulina, we now know that there is more to the enticing blue-green facade of this amazing alga. The favorable nutritional profile of this nature’s gift is an inviting entrance to a healthier you.

This burst of nutrients is easy-to-digest and is absorbed quickly.

With these credentials, this plant, not surprisingly, was named superfood in the 1990s. This recognition came after soooooooo many years – 3.5 billion years, in fact. Why, that’s how long this plant has evolved! And that span of evolution made it nature’s longest living food.

Needless to say, spirulina’s billion-year existence is proof that this toughie survived even the worst environmental conditions that left other animal and plant species, well, extinct. And this amazing alga’s resilience, seemingly, has a noble purpose – to answer for health dilemmas of the modern people.

Spirulina and Anemia

Iron deficiency, the most common nutrient deficiency worldwide, results in condition known as Iron Anemia, prevalent among women, children, older people, or women on weight loss diets. While iron builds healthy red blood cells and strong immune system, over the counter iron supplements are most commonly not well absorbed by the human body.

But spirulina’s iron content was proven effective in a 30-day study involving eight young women with hypochronic anemia (blood hemoglobin content is lower than normal). With four grams of spirulina after each meal, the subjects blood hemoglobin content increased by 21% – from 10.9 to 13.2 – a satisfactory level not anymore considered anemic.

Spirulina and Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels, which we get from the food we eat, lead to high risks of strokes and heart attacks. Dietary improvements thus, are common slogans of campaigns promoting fat-reducing practices in meal preparation.

In Japan, thirty male employees diagnosed with high cholesterol, mild hypertension, and hyperlipidemia (abnormally high concentration of fats in the blood) were subjects of a study. These subjects were asked not to change their diet, except adding spirulina. After four weeks, total serum cholesterol dropped from 244 to 233 (4.5%).

Spirulina and Cancer

Several health books agree that foods and herbs that contain high levels of chlorophyll, a pigment that spirulina is rich in, show pharmacological evidence of cancer prevention. An explanation made by “One Earth Herbal Sourcebook” author Allan Keith Tillotston suggests that pigments in such foods “bind and thus stimulate excretion of cancer-causing chemicals.” When this happens, naturally occurring cancer cells (yes, they are just there) will be stopped from developing into symptomatic cancer.

For example, laboratory animals used in an Oregon State University were exposed to cancer-causing substance. Results of the study had it that those that were given chlorophyll supplement before the exposure developed far fewer tumors than those that were not given the supplement.

Having read all of these good things about spirulina, we now know that there is more to the enticing blue-green facade of this amazing alga. The favorable nutritional profile of this nature’s gift is an inviting entrance to a healthier you.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Gold Digger Dumps Broke Boyfriend, She Then Lives To Regret Her Decision

If someone doesn't believe in you during your worst, then don't let them celebrate with you during your best.

Rich Dad Rejects Daughter's Boyfriend, His Wife Teaches Him A Lesson

Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover

How To Work With Newly Registered Member

European Leadership Camp 2017, Hungary Day-1

Product Knowledge

Panuurin natin ang Video Training ni Dr. John Vic dahil dito natin matutunan yong lahat ng patungkol sa ating DXN products kung anu-ano ang mga magagandang benepisyon nito at para saan ang mga ito.


DXN Ganoderma Coffee

Who said that coffee consumption was unhealthy?

Drinking coffee without hypertension, heartburn and acid reflux.



Absolutely, if you like to feel energetic the entire day, if you like to sleep and in peace during the night, if you like the taste and feel of coffee, and if you need coffee that doesn’t cause heartburns and helps regulate your blood pressure and has anti-acid properties.


The DXN Ganoderma Coffee contains Ganoderma Extract, resulting in such a distinguished products which, thank you to the positive effect of Ganoderma medical mushrooms is not only unique in its taste, but also in the positive effect it has on the body of the consumer.
Ganoderma mushrooms cause no additional tinge, only flavor of quality coffee can be tested in consumption.)

Would it be nice to experience the effect of Ganoderma Coffee has on the body from first hand?

Sample it and enjoy the difference!

Recommended preparation:

Add 1.5 or 2dl (5 or 6 oz) at most 80°C (176°F) water to 1 packet coffee.
Portions can be bisected or trisected). Every box of coffee contains 20 packets of coffee.
Thus, depending on taste, 20-40-60 portions of coffee could be made from a single box.
It is general observation that those who consumed several cups of regular coffee per day can reduce their portions to 1-2 cups of Ganoderma coffee per day, thanks to its lasting positive effects.

Currently six of DXN Ganoderma Coffee are put in circulation on the market.



DXN Lingzhi Coffee 3 in 1 is specially blended with finest quality coffee beans and 100% pure lingzhi  with sugar, non dairy creamer, and with no artificial colouring, flavoring and preservatives.
It is very refreshing and healthy.

It’s lactose-free, Gluten-free.

Packing size: 21g x 20 sachets

Ingredients: Instant arabica coffee powder, ganoderma extract, sugar, non dairy creamer – in 1 sachet – 21g.
Energy: 95 kcal
Carbohydrate: 16.0g
Fat: 2.9g
Protein: 1.1g


Lingzhi Black Coffee is a coffee beverage uniquely blended with the finest coffee beans and Ganoderma extract. Coffee is packed individually in small sachets for instant satisfaction and everyday use convenience. You can make 2-4 strong, bitter taste, small cup of coffee, like an espresso.

Lingzhi Black Coffee also brings you the satisfying taste of real coffee.

DXN Lighzhi Black Coffee is made of unique recipes from top quality instant coffee and Ganoderma extract.DXN Linghzi Black Coffee is sugar free and it is suitable fir those who like to limit their sugar intake. Linghzi Black Coffee provides full taste of real coffee.

It’s sugar-free, lactose-free, glute-free.
You may use any sweetener for flavoring.

Ingredients: Instant coffee powder, Ganoderma extract
Packaging size: 4.5 x 20 sachets – in 1 sachet 4,5g.
Energy: 15kcal
Carbohydrate: 2.5g
Fat: 0.1g
Protein: 1.0g


DXN Lingzhi Coffee 3 in 1 Lite is another new variant of the DXN Lingzhi Coffee series. It is made from the highest quality instant coffee and Ganoderma mushroom extract.

This DXN Coffee contains more sugar and cream, and less coffee than Lingzhi Coffee 3 in 1. This coffee has smooth creamy taste.

Just add one sachet of the Lingzhi Coffee (3 in 1) Lite into 5oz of hot water and stir to enjoy this  sensational new coffee experience with DXN.

Servings: 1-2 servings per sachet of this coffee can be made.

Packaging size: 21g x 20 sachets


DXN Cream Coffee is made from the highest quality instant coffee and Ganoderma mushroom extract.

It does not contain sugar, but contains a herbal replacement of the cream,
which gives it a delicate, silky flavor.

Recommended for those who want to reduce sugar intake.

Packaging size: 14g x 20 Sachets

White Coffee Zhino

DXN has now come up with a new product which can be easily and quickly prepared. 

You are free to enjoy it with your family at home or with friends in the once without having to wait for a long time at a coffee house.

It is topped with a light layer of creamer foam and formulated together with Ganoderma extract. The inviting aroma of this instant cappuccino indirectly evokes a feeling of joy after you drink it. 

Do not miss the opportunity to try it as you will discover a delicious taste that will bring to mind the original cappuccino from Italy.

Packaging size: 28g x 12 Sachets

Zhi Cafe Classic

DXN brings you Zhi Cafe Classic , which is made from a blend of Ganoderma extract and fully roasted coffee beans.

Milled coffee beans are packed in bags, which provide you delicious mild flavor and spicy aroma after digesting.

You will be absolutely amazed at the aroma and flavour of this freshly roasted coffee.

Packaging size: 20 Sachets x 20.0g

Top 13 Proven Health Benefits Of Coffee

13 Proven Health Benefits Of Coffee (DXN Coffee is my Favorite)
  1. Coffee Can Improve Energy Levels and Make You Smarter
  2. Coffee Can Help You Burn Fat
  3. The Caffeine Can Drastically Improve Physical Performance
  4. There Are Essential Nutrients in Coffee
  5. Coffee May Lower Your Risk of Type II Diabetes
  6. Coffee May Protect You From Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
  7. Caffeine May Lower The Risk of Parkinson’s
  8. Coffee Appears to Have Protective Effects on The Liver
  9. Coffee Can Fight Depression and Make You Happier
  10. Coffee Drinkers Have a Lower Risk of Some Types of Cancer
  11. Coffee Does Not Cause Heart Disease and May Lower The Risk of Stroke
  12. Coffee May Help You Live Longer
  13. Coffee is The Biggest Source of Antioxidants in The Western Diet
Coffee may protect against disease, says the Harvard Health Letter BOSTON.

Absolutely, if you like to feel energetic the entire day, if you like to sleep and in peace during the night, if you like the taste and feel of coffee, and if you need coffee that doesn’t cause heartburns and helps regulate your blood pressure and has anti-acid properties.

Health & Wellness Campaign | Daet


Senior Citizens Brgy. Bactas,
Basud, Camaeines Norte

LemonZhi Health Benefits


🍋Helps cough, asthma and other respiratory disorder.
🍋Helps loss weight
🍋Boosts Immune system
🍋Helps reduces risks of Diabetes
🍋Increases Stamina
🍋Tones your muscles and skin
🍋Anti Carcinogenic
🍋Anti Aging
🍋 Helps detoxifies toxin
🍋 Helps reduce Cholesterol

📍During uncertain weather, people would feel their body heat increase, lack of appetite and feel sleepy from time to time.

📍To care for your health, DXN has developed LEMONZHI which is rich in natural ingredients containing Ganoderma extract, tea mix with lemon other natural elements.

📍Lemonzhi is also mild and ideal for all ages and gender.

Would You Like to Learn More About a Business Opportunity that Has The Potential to Replace Your Current Working Income Without Quitting Your Job?

You really ought to try it, either full-time or over weekends. We have a great business opportunity. You can run it from home full time or part time, or any combination.

Click Here to Learn About a Business Model That is Proven Successful with Low Start-up Costs.

GANODERMA "mushroom of immortality"

Would You Like to Learn More About a Business Opportunity that Has The Potential to Replace Your Current Working Income Without Quitting Your Job?

You really ought to try it, either full-time or over weekends. We have a great business opportunity. You can run it from home full time or part time, or any combination.

Friday, December 13, 2019


Would You Like to Learn More About a Business Opportunity that Has The Potential to Replace Your Current Working Income Without Quitting Your Job?

You really ought to try it, either full-time or over weekends. We have a great business opportunity. You can run it from home full time or part time, or any combination.

Edilia García García

Good morning DXN.

My name is Edilia García. I was born in Morelia Michoacán, Mexico. The goal of sharing my story is to inspire everyone and to show that despite the adversities in life, you can still achieve your dreams.

I had a difficult childhood, and didn’t get the chance to study, so I do not have an academic degree, but since I was a kid I have always dreamed of a different life for me. I have two beautiful daughters, Nancy and Nelly, whom I consider a blessing. At that time, I had a debt of 150,000 dollars. My oldest daughter was very sick, as I did not have sufficient money to buy basic necessities or food, while my youngest daughter had to leave school due to financial constraints.

Before DXN came into my life, I was a saleswoman but heavily in debt. Through my ignorance, I sold everything but I was not focused on anything, therefore I never had any successful results. I didn’t know what direct selling was and my first venture in a direct selling company before DXN, was one of the worst experience of my life because although I worked very hard, but at the end they took everything from me. I did not understand why this had happened to me, but I am very thankful to God for all the things that I have gone through. Today I understand that God had something bigger in store for me.

When I was at the lowest point of my life, in desperation, I prayed to God to help me get out of the state of poverty in which I was. I was disappointed and frustrated, but God heard my prayers and one day, good fortune called DXN knocked on my door. I am grateful to the person who introduced me to the DXN business. Thanks to this person's insistence, after several visits, I finally said yes to DXN. I started by consuming DXN coffee, and when I began to see positive results with my health, I started to share DXN with more people.

The road to success was not a smooth one. Since DXN was not yet established in Mexico and I could not afford to invest in DXN, I could not give out free coffee samples but could only offer the DXN Coffee sachets to the customers to smell its aroma. With no training and lack of knowledge of the DXN System, we failed in the first 10 months but despite all the obstacles, we were able to make DXN known in Mexico.

Things began to look up for us, when we had our first training with three people on January 4, 2007. The next day we rented a small room and the first 17 people from this first group arrived. During this training was when I understood that DXN was the company that I was waiting for. They asked us three questions : Do you know anyone who drinks coffee? Do you know anyone who has a health problem? Do you know anyone who needs money? My mind began to project itself to something very big because I realized that I was in the right industry. Then the next question was if we wanted to achieve financial freedom, but in my ignorance I did not understand what that was. I was told that it means to earn a million a year or 80,000 pesos a month. So I asked what I should do? The answer was simple, focus and work, let yourself to be guided and do not change the system.

From that moment on, I put aside the catalogs of other companies and put my full focus and energy into DXN. I was told that within 3 to 5 years I can reach my financial freedom, but I was pleasantly surprised when I managed to achieve financial freedom within one and a half years. Of course I focused only on DXN and worked very hard, but nothing is free in this life and I had to pay the price by not being able to spend time with my daughters. However, although I went through many obstacles, I managed to turn them into opportunities. Over time I learned that loyalty, commitment, perseverance and constancy are very important ingredients in order to achieve success and when you support your members and your team, the faster you will reach your goal. 

I thank God, DXN, the whole team, my daughters and DXN staff for all the support I have received, because without all of them, I would not have reached my goal. My life has changed considerably for the better. I managed to pay off my debt within three years. With little by little investment, today I have 7 authorized service centers. When I was a child I dreamed of traveling around the world and DXN has made this dream come true. My message is this : no matter what you have gone through in life, if you believe in what you are doing and if you have confidence and faith in the project that is being presented to you; you will achieve great things in life. You cannot stop working hard or blame others for your problems. There are no excuses for not achieving everything you set for yourself; remember that everything is within you.

This road has not been easy but it has been worth it. DXN gives you the opportunity to achieve health, wealth and happiness. And today I want to also thank the 20 Diamonds who believed in this project and who believed in me, because thanks to the work in these past 10 years I was able to achieve the status of Crown Ambassador. This success is not only mine but of the whole team. Since I have achieved my goal, my commitment is to support each one of you who wish to achieve the level of Crown Ambassador. I made the commitment to myself that I will achieve my Crown Ambassador status together with the people from my country and today this is a reality. I am a proud woman, I am Mexican and I want to thank Dr. Lim, and congratulate him for the many lives that he has changed, not only my life and my daughters, but countless others. 

Thank you!